Pena Colorada
Mexico - Washed
Filter Roast Coffee
Melon, Milk Chocolate, Green Tea
Mexico - Washed
Filter Roast Coffee
Melon, Milk Chocolate, Green Tea
Mexico - Washed
Filter Roast Coffee
Melon, Milk Chocolate, Green Tea
Origin: Mexico
Process: Fully Washed.
Varieties: Typica, Mundo Novo. Pluma Hidalgo
Importer: Raw Material
Harvest: 2024
Per-Kilogram green price: £11.37
Amount purchased: 69kg
The Peña Colorada group is not a formal co-op or association but rather a community led producer group that is coordinated by Felipe Palacios. Felipe is a retired teacher from Mazateca who now works with Raw Material to coordinate coffee producers in the region, specifically around the towns of Peña Colorada, Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón, and Agua Iglesia.
Raw Material have been working closely with Felipe and together are aiming to open up access to the specialty market for producers in the Mazateca, providing a sustainable and profitable supply chain for their coffees. Doing this will provide a long term, stable, and profitable alternative to simply selling to local intermediaries at a market-based price- currently the only option for many producers. In time this supply chain can help to generate capital and investment to help improve yields, production volumes and quality in the Mazateca.
All the coffee is pulped, often with hand pulpers then fermented for around 48 hours, typically in wooden tanks before being dried on petates, traditional hand-woven mats.